- April 8, 2024
- March 20, 2024I was in complete accord with the mission policy of retaining the native boys and girls until sixteen years of…
- March 20, 2024The influence of the adult full blood parents … although often arising from the love of their parents for the…
- March 20, 2024I know that the long distance view is to breed these people right out, but so long as the half-castes…
- March 20, 2024The danger today lies in the native camps in the South-West where the half-castes go back and live with the…
- March 20, 2024When the present does not recognise the wrongs of the past, the future takes its revenge.For that reason, we must…
- March 20, 2024‘Dealing with half-castes—and this clause has chief reference to these people—Dr. Bryan has spoken strongly against the mating of half-castes…
- March 20, 2024Western Australia has gone further in the development of such a long range policy than has any other State, by…
- March 20, 2024It is my wish that every care be taken in the admittance of children in order to ensure that they…
- March 20, 2024Children placed with Sister Kate are never released to their parents. This would be a direct contradiction of the principle…